MAAS – Man As A Service

Marlene Leppinnen on

MAAS – man as a service.

We know the term – SaaS referring to Software As A Service. This means as long as there is connection to the cloud, and subscription fee paid, we have access to tools and new information. The idea is that SaaS fosters flow.

Here we apply that principle to a man.

MAAS is a man in service to his qualities and what they represent – the collective man. As opposed to being in service to anyone in particular or their needs, your service is a reflection of what you want to become and how you are capable of achieving that. Your service is your legacy


Your service is powered by your Big B Belief about men and small b beliefs about yourself as a man. It requires finesse to seek out the ways to connect your beliefs with your actions in daily life.


The task is to make a cascade of qualities from the collective man – to you the unique man – into others – as a service. This flow gives expression to your qualities like willingness, focus, creativity and reliability. When you can use your skills to communicate your qualities you generate satisfaction in yourself.

As you radiate belief, agility and resourceful other men will admire you whether they say it or not. That is the challenge – to have admiration of the unique man each of us is flowing between men.


Part of that challenge for each of us is to CLEAN – BALANCE AND CHARGE our energy to liberate our radiance.

CLEAN - This process lightens the emotional load of our recent and accumulated history. Cleaning, whether it be your mind, your inbox or your home helps us be emotionally agile in our response to life. This entails forgiveness and communication of vision.

BALANCE is to take responsibility for one’s thoughts and actions and connect them to your intentions. This is the flip-side of forgiveness when we resist blame and guilt.

CHARGE is to power your day with the truth of the light of the moment. That power can be found in being of service to something greater than yourself.