Habits That Block Your Happiness Part 5 — Be Inspired..!!

If you want to be happier, it’s all about taking control of what you do each day. Choose to ditch these following joy sucking and soul searing habits. Some of them may surprise you. Censoring Your Self Expression – Keeping your authentic voice locked inside, for whatever reason, is a game of hide and seek, […]

Habits That Block Your Happiness Part 5 — Be Inspired..!!

Back cover blurb for book on Satisfaction. Releasing sooooon!

What self respecting man is going to say he needs help to be a man?  

Men possess emotional power but often lack the emotional agility ‘in the moment’. Power plus agility = finesse.   McNamara shines light on the path for a man to grow. Satisfaction offers deep insights and positive actions for a man to clarify what he wants to become. For example The Female Frixion and The Male Stack are crucial keys to unlock the similarity of our differences.Drawing on the lives of actor Zac Efron, olympian Silken Laumann, humanitarian Terry Fox the author highlights the intricacies of development amidst the challenges of making a living.  If you have a sense your life has a trajectory but want to clarify it and elevate it: read this book.  This is a handbook for men who believe that a man is born with the resources to stickhandle the issues of his manlife. 

The Close: Excerpt from the book Satisfaction releasing in April

To Close …

As Gordon Lighfoot alludes to in the song ‘If You Could Read My Mind (the lyrics at the beginning of the book), one of the world’s biggest mysteries is what your own wife is thinking.  This disconnect is caused in part by generation after generation ignoring natural wisdom thus minimizing the relevancy of a man knowing himself.   These pages have been a rebellion against the devaluing of the emotionally agile man.  That’s why here were highlighted various insights as techniques and tools to incite and support the growth trajectory of a man.   

In life there is so much unknown: what’s around the next corner, at the bottom of the ocean and the logic in your wife’s emotions?   Which is why it is vital to have confidence in your man instinct and abilities.  Put this book on your bookshelf.  Pick it up and read a few pages when you are actually looking for another book.  Know this book ( a nugget of actionable wisdom is standing steadfast to the truth of you the man) is ready when you are.  Know it is there.  So in moments of frustration or stress (A Myriad Moment) your mind can connect with it and thus with the man you want to become.  

  Life has mystery and magic and unanswered questions. Now because of your proactivity in insisting on growing (and applying the insights from this book into your life) there is one mystery less. People in your life will know the quality of man you strive to be.  And that you adhere to a trajectory of growth as a man all of your days.   The way you lead your life as a man is the foundation for you the gentleman.

Make it so.

Limits: Excerpt from Book on Satisfaction releasing in April 2021

And when you get to your limit what do you do?  Does your spouse know what you are going to do?  What do you want to do when you get to your limit of your patience or understanding, or feeling of being appreciated. Or you get to your limit of knowing how to express your love in trying economic times.  

Those are your limits.  Not your spouse’s limits.  Not your children’s limits.  Maybe those limits were put there a long time ago.  By a small boy who needed guidance to grow into a young man.  Or a young man who had trouble finding his confidence.  Now do those limits apply to a middle aged man?  A guy who is being nudged by this stage in life but is limited by his own history.  Limited in his ability to ask (dumb) questions and deal with the response.  Limited in being vulnerable in front of his wife or children because he might cry or need help.  

Vulnerability is part of growing.  Violence is not.  Violence in your relationship is the underbelly of ignorance.  Knowing our limits and finding ways to extend them is part of your growth.  Using guilt instead of honesty is not growing.  That is an act of diminishing what a man and woman are capable of being together. 

Emotional agility is part of a man’s life in every stage.  When he is young he can laugh, cry, be sad and feel proud of himself.  When a man is middle aged and then an elder he has the same liberty.  Age is not a limit on emotional agility.  The rich cry.  The poor laugh.  The middle class feel sad.  It’s not about the money.  It’s about you and your response to life powered by success.   It’s you finding a path forward with integrity.  Your response petitions your spouse to bring her versatility to the situation.  You companion each other in success, challenge, failure and learning.

Why?  Because that is what you want.

Happiness, our birthday and introducing our book! — Staircase 9 17

Hello, This month we’re celebrating both International Day of Happiness and our blogs’s 4th birthday. We’d like to send a heartfelt thank you – and a virtual slice of birthday cake – to all our readers, particularly those who’ve been with us ever since the beginning. Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com If you are a […]

Happiness, our birthday and introducing our book! — Staircase 9 17

Light and Hope…

butterfly beautiful


In the spring I plant morning glories. Heavenly blue is the name on the seed packet, and they certainly are all of that! I hope they will begin to flower in the summer. But, it is autumn when they reach their most beautiful.

Some years I get the seeds tucked away in the dirt nice and early. They have taken over whole fences at times! When I am not careful enough in my placement, they have taken over other plants with their exuberant tendrils. Not so good.

Some years, I am late and so are the flowers. This year was somewhere in between early and late. I planted the seeds and I waited. The vines curled upward. The delicate heart shaped leaves multiplied. I had hope.

I waited for the first sign of a flower in June. Nothing and nothing and nothing….

The days sort of melted and meandered. I…

View original post 1,260 more words

Painting – “Firefly.”


Liza Hartman Design


Fireflies represent a message to listen to our hearts and let them lead the way toward truth and light.
They remind us of the importance of our internal character, their light represents hope, guidance, inspiration, and awakening.

It is a rare and wonderful gift when a simple act of play evolves into an experience of inner grace.
Taking a break from another project, I lamented that I had not painted for over two months and just wanted a few moments of playing with some colour.
Quite soon I was thinking of a child of the earth and if I were to paint one, the colour of its skin would be of pine wood, golden and brown. The moment I began to add that possible position into the piece, all thoughts left my mind and the painting seemed to paint itself. The quite peace of not thinking and merely observing the process…

View original post 159 more words